It'd be reasonable to assume Cooper was already dead and waiting/looking for him might cost more lives, and Tom isn't part of the squad, and going to rescue him would take time and be risky. Even some of his colder actions, like carrying on without Cooper or being willing to leave Tom to die can be interpreted as him prioritising his living teammates.Makes you wonder how much of his "hardass soldier" approach was to keep them safe from learning too much about their government's motivation.

And then the ending where the true mission is revealed, and it's shown he didn't tell Rick or Regina about it to keep them safe. Over the course of the game, it's made clear that he's the cold senior member of Regina's group, enough so that he doesn't trust anyone (Rick especially) and is willing to let teammates be left behind, presumably to their deaths, if it interferes with the mission. Adding both obviously gives the player the best of both worlds. Adding the buttstock to the PA3 logically reduces recoil and increases the rate of fire by allowing Regina to work the pump faster, while adding the extended barrel without the stock results increased power but extremely punishing recoil (which will unrealistically knock her back a step each shot) and a slow rate of fire due to her taking much longer to work the pump. Interestingly, the shotgun behaves differently based on what upgrades are installed rather than being static. On other difficulties, it can be found inside the Management Office, early on inside Facility 1F. The Franchi PA3/345 can be found in the inventory at the beginning of the game if the player is playing on the Easy Mode difficulty. It can be upgraded by finding the Shotgun Parts in order to fully convert the PA3 into a SPAS-12, something which would not be possible in real life. It is known as "Shotgun Model PA3." The PA3 variant used in the game appears to be the PA3/345 variant, identifiable by its 345mm (13.6") barrel and 5-round capacity. Tom aims the MAC-10 in Dino Crisis Franchi PA3/345Ī Franchi PA3/345 is Regina's shotgun of choice in the game. The following weapons appear in the video game Dino Crisis: Capcom's Ace Attorney franchise would eventually reuse the fictional Borginian Republic the game is set in, albeit with a substantially altered geographic location. While Dino Crisis did not achieve the same level of success Resident Evil did, it was popular enough to gain two sequels: ( Dino Crisis 2 and Dino Crisis 3) and a light gun-based spin-off in Capcom's Gun Survivor series, known as Dino Stalker in America and Gun Survivor 3 : Dino Crisis in Japan.
#Dino crisis imfdb Pc#
The PlayStation version was met with a positive response from critics, while the Dreamcast and PC versions were criticized for not taking advantage of the respective platforms' superior hardware. The game centers around an espionage team who must find a way to survive in a secret government facility that is being infested by time-displaced dinosaurs. However, due to the dominance of Resident Evil over similarly-styled horror games overseas, "Survival Horror" became accepted as the general name for the genre. Instead it was marketed as "Panic Horror" to demonstrate its uniqueness.

As horror-themed action-adventure gaming was still in its infancy, Dino Crisis rejected the label of "Survival Horror" in Japan, which was seen as merely a tagline for Resident Evil. However, unlike other so-called " Resident Evil clones" that had been released since 1997, Dino Crisis instead relied on 3D environments as opposed to pre-rendered backgrounds, and a greater focus on physical puzzles to advance in the game. Produced by Shinji Mikami, the game took inspirations from Resident Evil's RPG features such as item management and exploration. Dino Crisis is a 1999 video game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and released in 1999.